Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
May 15-18, 2017
2017 SFS Cavalcade North America Program
Hosted by the Financial Markets Research Center at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University
2017 SFS Finance Cavalcade Program Committee
2017 SFS Finance Cavalcade Photos
The SFS Cavalcade is a 3.0 day conference covering all areas of finance. The format is 55 minutes per paper with eight-to-eleven parallel sessions. Our goal is to provide a setting that produces the kind of in-depth participation of a smaller conference while accommodating the variety of papers of a larger one. The host school’s faculty and Ph.D. students receive complimentary registration to the conference and all events. The SFS Cavalcade conference is a joint project of the Review of Financial Studies, the Review of Corporate Finance Studies, and the Review of Asset Pricing Studies.
Conference Chairs
Chair: Heitor Almeida (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Vice Chair: Amir Yaron (University of Pennsylvania)
Associate Chair: Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
SFS Advisory Chair: Laura Starks (University of Texas at Austin)
Host’s Faculty Sponsor: Robert E. Whaley
Event Organization by Leigh Ann Clark (SFS), Jaclyn Einstein (SFS), Gina Repas (Vanderbilt University)

Keynote Speaker
Matthew Spiegel (Yale University): Refereeing Ever More—Progressing Ever Less
The 2017 Cavalcade received 1024 submissions, which was a 4.8% increase over the number of submissions last year. The acceptance rate was 11.7%. Decision emails were sent February 10. If you selected Dual Submission, you will receive a separate email from RAPS or RCFS. Submissions were accepted through December 7. The submission fee was $50. The submitted paper must not have been accepted (or conditionally accepted) at a journal or have been presented (or be scheduled to be presented) at the WFA/AFA. For papers in which ALL co-authors are doctoral students, the submission fee was waived.
$125 for SFS members and $165 for nonmembers; early registration (by March 31) $100 for SFS members and $140 for nonmembers. Doctoral students and Vanderbilt University faculty members received complimentary registration.
Conference Dual Submission Option
You may elect dual submission to either The Review of Corporate Finance Studies or The Review of Asset Pricing Studies. If you wish to be considered for dual submission, please ensure you select the appropriate category while submitting. If the journal you select decides not to send your paper out for review, the editor may refer your paper to the other journal, if appropriate, or to The Review of Financial Studies, for possible review. Thus, by selecting the dual submission option, you have implicitly agreed to be reviewed by any of the three SFS journals. Please see our Dual Submission Policy.